Sunday, February 28, 2016

Thrown into the Deep End

I became the Cub Master for our Pack in January 2014.  The following week was the Pinewood Derby, followed closely the next month by the Blue and Gold Banquet.  I won't lie, I almost freaked out!  Then my husband, who was the Webelos leader, told me that everything was already planned out.  I just had to show up and be in charge.  Sure, not a problem.  And so began the craziness of the last two years.  At this point we have had 3 Pinewood Derbys, 3 Blue and Gold Banquets, 3 Rain Gutter Regattas, and approximately 12 pack meetings.  Every time there is a frantic question running through my head of "what are you going to do this time???".  We want our activities to be fun and to include the whole family.  So far, so good.  As I continue on my quest for fun pack meetings I will share what we have done/are doing here.  I find that as a Cub Master figuring out these meetings is the hardest part of the job.  Once everything is figured out and in place it seems to run fairly smoothly.  You just have to figure out what it is that you are going to do.  Often easier said then done.  I hope that you find this blog useful.

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